Mainly because of a requirement for greater flexibility I have been studying how to maintain the website myself. Today for the first time I uploaded the main page, which gets refreshed every day.
This new found skill has allowed me to experiment and as a result I have managed to kill the original hit counter, which had been problematic since day 1. I am also looking at some additional enhancements which I will note here as and when I successfully implement them.
My primary goal remains to driver greater traffic through the site so that we can pick up more subscribers. Feedback to date suggests that many of you are enjoying the ideas and I know that there must be other internet users who will appreciate what we have to offer. I will be experimenting with SEO (search engine optimisation) techniques, traffic building campaigns and Google Adwords. Again I will note my findings here.
As usual any feedback you have will be noted and acted upon where possible. Thanks for your support.