More interesting dilemmas this week. Managed to lose the home page at one point as I tried to update it, have also sent out at least one email with the wrong web address in and I guess am learning to be more detail focussed.
On the plus side some of the things that have been bugging me have been fixed, dead links etc and we have started to archive the ideas.
After a 10 day fight I finally have access to the hit counter stats but it appears it has not worked since day 3. Am sure we will get this fixed aswell.
Ok, so we've been up and running for a week. Not long, and yet some valuable lessons learned.
Viral marketing is NOT just about telling your friends to pass the website on to their friends
Making sure you put the correct details in when buying a hit counter service is VERY important
Making sure your hitcounter works before paying for a traffic building capmaign is plain DUMB
If you ask publicly for feedback on design you will usually get slated
The few people that I have spoken to about the site, and particularly the content seem to be impressed
Even though I solicited almost 300 people without permission, only about 50 have opted out so far
I have had some new users sign up
I know of at least one friend who has emailed their entire address book with a link to the site
We have made some improvements to the site, content, design etc this week and will keep listening. Keep the ideas coming and with persistence I am sure we will get it right.